PowerShell has been a daily tool for me for at least 5 or 6 years at this point, so when I learn something new that seems fairly useful I figure it’s probably worth writing about. These posts also help me remember because they force me to do more research into it than I normally would.

TIL (Today I Learned) about the -PipelineVariable parameter in PowerShell, known as a “Common Parameter”; which are automatically added by PowerShell to cmdlets that are decorated with the [cmdletbinding()] attribute.

This is by no means a “new” feature, -PipelineVariable was added as a common parameter in 2017 for version v4.0.

What problem does it fix?

One problem with pipelines is scope limitations. Here’s what I mean:

'a','b','c' | ForEach-Object { 1, 2, 3 } | ForEach-Object { $_ }

Say we wanted to return the cartesian product of $letters x $numbers…like a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, [...]. How would you do this using pipelines? Without the use of -PipelineVariable, you can’t, at least not in an obvious direct way. The final ForEach-Object has no visibility to the original array of letters we first passed in, the only thing it can see is the array of numbers.

Prior to today, I would have converted it from using the ForEach-Object cmdlet to using the foreach statement. This allows you to create variables at each level, and then those variables are accessible from all child scopes. Like so:

foreach ($letter in 'a','b','c') {
    foreach ($number in 1, 2, 3) {
        Write-Output "${letter}${number}"

There’s nothing wrong with building it this way. In my opinion, if you were building a script that is meant to go out to production, this is probably the way I would go. It’s easier to read and understand and it’s formatted nicely.

The problem is that you don’t always have the ability to structure your code this way. Sometimes you need to work with things in the pipeline, or you’re writing a quick one off script in the terminal and you don’t need to worry about formality.

Basic usage

To fix this issue -PipelineVariable was added. It allows you to create variables that are accessible in child scopes further down the pipeline.

So how would we recreate that foreach example above into using pipelines?

This is how it would look:

'a','b','c' | % -PV letter { $_ } | % -PV number { 1, 2, 3 } | % { write "${letter}${number}" }

Now…I agree, it’s ugly, it’s not easy to read, especially when using all of the aliases and syntax shortcuts. But, it’s certainly a useful trick and I’ve already used it a few times since I originally drafted this post.

Let’s break down what’s happening here…

First we want to assign the $letter variable…

'a','b','c' | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable letter { $_ }

Which means… iterate through 'a','b','c'. Every time a new “thing” is returned, assign it to $letter. Note that the variable name does not include the leading $. This is the equivalent of the following:

foreach ($letter in 'a','b','c') {

Then we need to add in the numbers array and the $number variable…

'a','b','c' | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable letter { $_ } |
    ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable number { 1,2,3 }

Which is now the equivalent of the following:

foreach ($letter in 'a','b','c') {
    foreach ($number in 1,2,3) {

And finally, we want to generate our output:

'a','b','c' | ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable letter { $_ } |
    ForEach-Object -PipelineVariable number { 1,2,3 } |
        ForEach-Object {
            Write-Output "${letter}${number}"

Which is the equivalent of our original foreach example:

foreach ($letter in 'a','b','c') {
    foreach ($number in 1,2,3) {
        Write-Output "${letter}${number}"

You’re probably looking at those last two code snippets and thinking the -PipelineVariable method is way uglier than just using foreach, and I would agree with you. Like I said earlier, if I were building a nice, polished production script, I likely wouldn’t build it using pipelines if I didn’t have to.

However, when I’m working from the terminal trying to quickly solve a problem, I use aliases and short-hand.

So, if I were writing this as a quick one-off command in the terminal, I’d build it this way:

'a','b','c' | % -PV letter { $_ } | % -PV number { 1,2,3 } | % { write "${letter}${number}" }

* -PV is shorthand for -PipelineVariable

The reason I like this over using foreach is because I’m a fan of using pipelines where you don’t have to deal with nesting things, or keeping track of brackets or parenthesis. This method allows you to write everything in a single continuous line, using only pipes.

Advanced: Create a function that supports -PipelineVariable

This is more of an advanced section, but if you’re curious, keep reading.

You might be wondering how you would create a function that is able to use this common parameter. Well…You can’t…I mean, you can, but it won’t work correctly because there’s a bug in PowerShell that causes -PipelineVariable to be assigned to just once. However, this was fixed with version 7.2.0 of PowerShell Core.

So if you want to do this, you can either wait for 7.2.0 to be fully released, or you can download a 7.2.0 preview release.

For the sake of this post, I went ahead and installed the latest and greatest 7.2.0-preview.5.

Here’s an example of implementing -PipelineVariable:

function Invoke-AddOne {
    param (

    Process {
        $_ + 1

The key here is the explicit use of the Process block. Remember that if you define a function and you don’t specify a Begin/Process/End block, then PowerShell defaults to using the End block. Both the Begin and End blocks are only executed once, but the Process block is executed for each pipeline value.

First lets test the function:

PS> 1,2,3 | Invoke-AddOne

Looks good, we passed in 1,2,3 and got back 2,3,4.

Now, lets test using -PipeLinevariable

PS> 1,2,3 | Invoke-AddOne -PV test | % { $test }

Woohoo! It works.

Bonus tip

In the course of writing this post, I came across an interesting tip from someone on Reddit.

If a cmdlet you are trying to use does not support the -PipelineVariable parameter, you can get around this by passing it through Where-Object (?).

Example, let’s say our Invoke-AddOne function we made doesn’t support -PipelineVariable:

1,2,3 | Invoke-AddOne | ? { $true } -PV test | % { $test }

This works because we’re passing all of the pipeline values through Where-Object with a filter of $true which means nothing gets filtered out, and it gets assigned to our $test pipeline variable to be used down the line.